Our Branches


63 Amwell Street, London EC1R 1UR
Contact Office

North Kensington

136 Lancaster Road, London W11 1QU
Contact Office

Live market data in WC1

Live market data in WC1

Property Prices

Average Property Price
£1075 per Square Foot
Price change
In the last 12 months
Price change
In the last 5 years
128 Properties Sold
In the last 12 months

Property prices by type


Average price
Price changeLast 12 months
% of Market


Average price
Price changeLast 12 months
% of Market

Rental market average price

Rental values have changed by
In the last 12 months
How much do houses let for?
Per calendar month
How much do flats let for?
Per calendar month
What is the average
annual rental yield?